Hello there



UPDATE: I am so sorry. I was swamped with all the work from college and I just neglected this sweet child of mine. Nothing works right now but hopefully that will change, what with the corona forcing me to stay home.

This website is my personal portfolio, to help me learn more about web design. Look around and have fun with my website :].


My name is Robert and my body is ready. I like papercrafting, Minecraft, the Sonic series (except for Sonic Boom, that was a mistake), cats and dogs, and running. I do not like coconuts, Fox mains, bears, and I hate getting jagrooted.

Now i am a CS major at UC Davis. Go Aggies

You know what really ticks me off? Gunrock's color. Why is he white and blue, thats not even our school colors. Yeah I know the Gunrock costume is completely blue but the Gunrock that's being displayed around the ARC isn't -its the white and blue one. Gunrock is clearly a mustang due to his majestic white coat color, and nothing is wrong with besides the fact that his namesake -- Gun Rock, famed racehorse Man o' War -- who is a thoroughbred. Now, the coat colors of thoroughbreds are usually between brown and black, such as the classic bay (think default horse). However, there are white thoroughbreds, though it is considered rare. Then, it is possible that our Gunrock could keep his white coat and still be considered a thoroughbred. Then we could say that Gunrock is simply a descendent of Gun Rock. There, the UC Davis lore is fixed.


Here are my projects.

Break Out- a text based game.